
Welcome to our sailing site.

On turning 60, it is not uncommon to look back at your life, analyse the past and think seriously about your future or what is left of it! What have you achieved in life?  What are the missed opportunities? Are you satisfied with your life? What do you still want to do? Not to mention how much time have you got left?

Having worked for 40 years, retirement brings as a massive change to your life. You really need a mission or at least some objectives to go forward. Sitting at home and pottering in the garden is not my idea of a fulfilling retired life.

When I was a young lad out sailing on Port Stephens I would often look at cruising boats and think to myself, one day I must do that. However, all too often life gets in the way of these aspirations and we get bogged down every day living.

So I made a promise to myself that when retirement came we would get a boat, go sailing and  become a grey nomad of the sea.  No particular plan, no timetable. Just cast off and go where the wind takes us! Life is too short not to get out there and make the most of it.

“Twenty years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover” – Mark Twain

Had no intention of creating a blog, but decided it could be the easiest way to keep in touch with family, friends and any other acquaintances we might meet along the way who share the same dream.

We know not where it will take us, but welcome along for the ride!